Energy is life.Who can deny this fact?
Many have misunderstanding on the stand of biofuel. Some believed biofuel is to totally remove tradition fossil fuel,while some would say biofuel is not worth developing due to problems of land issues,water usage,and competition with food.
If all have to listen to such discussions, equal number of people would support and against. Of course their reasons are valid and biofuel issues are rather confusing.
One of the question is to ask whether or not the biofuels are part of the green tech of the future helping to meet the rising demand for national energy dependency while on the other hand contributing to lower emissions of green house gases.
The other question is whether or not the our biofuel developments compete with food crops diverting water, changing pattern of land use and encourage deforestation.
Both of these two statements are according to each person,location and economy is yes and no.
By taking a balance view, both are potentially right.Food based biofuels looks at crop yield,production impacts,energy balance,engine performance and the emission of green house gases (CO2).
It is very imperative that industries must acknowledge and address concerns about SUSTAINABILITY standpoint, that should also include biodiversity.
In the rapidly maturing biofuel debate,they are faced with complexity of issues and more greater scrutiny for total supply chain implications and environmental impacts.
With this growing interest given the global warming and green house effects due to fossil fuel usage,Biofuel is the future and will be the a bigger part of energy component. The growing interest from more and more governments and nations worldwide are clearly indicating this.
The rapid increase in the US has set more than 35 billion gallons by 2017,while EU legislated target is 10% of all transport fuel to come from biofuel by 2020,while McKinsey & Co estimates that by 2030 one quarter of transport demand worldwide will come from biofuel alone.
Governments and agencies will be increasing biofuels to meet strict criteria for sustainability CO2 emission reduction
It is known that biofuel at lowest save at least 35% of green house gas emissions compared to fossil fuel. In the coming near future, it will be mandatory to reducing emissions.
The eligible biofuels will need to satisfy also other range of environmental guarantees also.
The best biofuels are those based on the energy balance and life cycle of the CO2 emissions which will play the role of lowering the overall CO2 intensity and transport sector.
Worldover in Biofuel.
In Canada, biofuels and oilshales developer Suncor said that it will acquire Petro-Canada in a $14.9 million deal that would create Canada's largest oil company. The transaction would result in $1 billion in savings from combined operations and would be the largest merger in Canada in two years. Suncor operates the 53 Mgy St. Clair ethanol plant in Sarnia, Ontario, which is blended into the company's Sunoco branded gasoline.
In the Philippines, San Carlos Bioenergy announced that it has commenced ethanol production and made its first 420,000 gallon delivery to Petron last week. The company said that, overall, the project will reduce Philippine oil imports by 15 percent. The sugarcane project will produce 8 Mgy of ethanol, 8 MW of power from sugarcane bagasse as part of an overall harvest of 1500 tons of sugar per day.
In China, biodiesel and fossil fuel refiner and distributor China Bio Energy announced that sales rose in the 4th quarter of 2008 by 165 percent to $59,1 million. The company said that adjusted net income rose 209.5 percent to $6.5 million based on a "rise in market demand for finished oil products and bio-diesel", according to the firm.
In Poland, Rzeczpospolita is reporting that Polish Mills and Bakoma is now constructing a 100,000 tonne (30 Mgy) rapeseed based biodiesel facility. The company is also reported to be developing an ethanol production plant to provide fuel for export to Sweden. The Polish government is currently considering a tax holiday on biodiesel; current law also requires a 4.6 percent biodiesel content in diesel fuel.
At World Biofuels Markets, Meaghan Sapp of Pangea Africa said that Africa is now exporting 1 million tonnes of ethanol to Europe, and offered a detailed assessment of current operators, volumes and regional challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa.
At World Biofuels Markets, Peter Defraneschi of Biofuels Cities said that the transport sector in Europe represents 1/3 of all carbon emissions in Europe, but that public opinion remain divided over the use of biofuels. The 1000-member coalition said that sustainability principles are working in Stockholm, Goteburg and Rotterdam.
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